My flight has been announced delay. I guess it should be some mechanical problems with the plane. Whatever it is, thank God for the discovery. This thing can be fatal if gone through undiscovered.
Well I am still in the terminal. looking out to the glass in front of me, I was reminded the same place I use to be at the last two weeks. Is funny how a same place I used to be and I am now at can be total 2 different feelings and emotions. I still remembered last two weeks when I arrived at the terminal. I was so overwhelming with excitement of reaching at the airport. I do not know where am I heading next and pile up with multi-choices of ways to get to my next 'not-yet-decide-place', yet I am still feeling easy. Everything looks wonderful even with all the thinking I need to do. My luggage was delayed but it does not bother me at all. All I can think of is the joy and peace of coming back to this land.
Now I am here. The same place I use to be. I can't find myself anything to be overwhelmed. My emotions are mixed-up. The mental and physical burden is back now. Nothing in my mind that sounded nice to me. Everything is like a mess. With the delay, I felt worse now. All I can think of now is how to overcome the coming 2months+.
God I pray to you that towards my coming 2months I may find strength in you to carry on. May you pour out the blessing and peace into my heart in everything I do. Thank you Lord.
jia you! just 2 months plus! it will b fast!
everything will be just fine... come on.. lets go pool zone.. :)
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